

All who sign here have indicated their commitment publicly to live by this pledge.

The Mere Developer Pledge

We pledge our allegiance to Jesus Christ. Amen.

We recognize that there can be no good without Christ, and therefore can be no good developer without Christ.

We recognize that The Bible was not only inspired by God, but also the first mass produce book, and the source of common knowledge, common sense, common values, and ultimately shaped the language and definition of words for most of the western world.

We recognize that Religion as defined by The Bible is the practice and devotion to the one true God

We recognize that False Religion is defined as the practice and devotion to gods other than the God of The Bible

We pledge to do our work faithfully, as unto the Lord and for his Glory.

We pledge to live according to God's law, and to treat every man as God's child.

We pledge that the work of our hands and minds shall not be used to blaspheme the name of Jesus.

We pledge that the work of our hands and minds shall not be used to stumble or inhibit the persuit of Jesus, or the establishment of his kingdom on earth.

We embrace the burden to establish where possible, means to train and nurture future developers in the admonishion of the Lord

We embrace the burden to establish fortifications and bulwarks against and person, state or institution who would prevent free expression of Religion.
